Well, you may be able to "con science", but your conscience will absolutely tell you it is wrong to do so. It is like the one attribute that allowed King Arthur to pull Excalibur from the stone. The knowledge of good and bad was never lost to you, but the outside world will try to convince you that "two plus two equals five", as Arjen Anthony Lucassen of ayreon so eloquently put it in the song Two Plus Two Equals Five" which appeared on the Star One album named "Victims of The Modern Age".
And just as sure as your conscience tells you right from wrong, there is part of your psyche that tells you from which angle someone is coming at you. Even if they don't tell you truthfully what they want, your gut or heart will tell you whether they are truthful. But that inner voice is a soft one, which often gets drowned out by external voices trying to confuse the issue. You can call it satan but why personify such a negative character? Is it so you are not the culprit in this matter? Hey, I believe that others might think Satan is a real character in their lives, but for me Satan personifies lack of character.