Inner Networks Translate Usable Information Transmitted Into Our Neurons

Nikola Tesla was one of the first humans to liken the human mind to a receiver, receiving information from out there. He was convinced (as am I) that our thoughts do not come from inside us, but instead come from a larger intelligence. And is it such a stretch to believe this? Just like our brains have neurons, that are connected and fire when triggered. Pretty much like we humans trigger when sufficiently excited. Sure, the triggers are a bit more complex as opposed to the chemical triggers and electrical signals between neurons, but we form connections and break them again just like neurons do in the brain. Heck, even the computers we use exchange mind between them, and the same language and information patterns are stored and exchanged all over the globe. Following this line of reasoning, one might even believe there is a global mind evolving out there in the world wide web as well...

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