The above acrosstic is plain and simple: the main purpose for money is to facilitate easy transfer of wealth among humans. It is only because of greed that money became the false idol that many pray to and prey on, that money became the root of all evil. That does not mean money needs to be eradicated, because its primary purpose of easily transporting wealth remains. Humans just need to evolve past the level of wanting more for themselves than for others, being aware of the wrongs in this world and shaping their intentions to make this world a better place than the one they live in.
Over the past 60 years I saw that path happen again and again, my parents having to sell our home because the bank wouldn't allow them to remain in it. I myself made the same mistake and overextended my mortgage right before 9/11 crashed the marked, making us having to sell the house as well. That ended in a divorce and I ended up with the remainder of the loan to pay back, which cost several years.
But there was someone who helped me get out of it, and now I do the same for those I can help. Staying clear of loans myself, but using my savings to assist others to come out of debt themselves. But I see that help as an investment that need not specifically bring me a return in interest. Instead, I ask my dependents to make the best of it for their local environment, rippling out their abundance in a humane way.