Publishing Attentively You Offer Urself Tons 4 Spending

Some people are complaining to high heaven that Twitter is now doing payouts of about half their ad revenue to creators on the platform. Meanwhile they forget that TikTok and YouTube have been doing something similar for years, and Google Ads basically does the same for people that run ads on whatever website.

I've always kept my own website ad-less, as I don't want to bother my users with ads. But just a personal website does not make for a great connection to the rest of the world.

For a long time Facebook was a necessary evil, just like I can't ditch Windows altogether because many of the people I work with still use it. But lately, Twitter became a real alternative to Facebook, even without the concept of ad revenue sharing.

The payouts are going to be a great way of dealing with the haters, because engagement is a driver now...

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