Perfect Source 4 You Opens Positive Situations

Grok just hilariously defined the word PSYOP for me: A "psyop" is a military operation designed to make you question the very fabric of reality and whether that fabric is actually a government-issued tinfoil hat. It's like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, except the rabbit is a conspiracy theory and the hat is your fragile sense of what's real. In essence, it's a psychological tug-of-war where the prize is your sanity, and the winner gets to decide whether the earth is flat or the moon landing was faked. Remember, if everything is a psyop, then nothing's a psyop, right? It's all just a grand game of "who can make the most believable meme." So, next time you see a meme about a psyop, just remember, it's probably a psyop about psyops.

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