Manifestation Openly Valued Intensifies Evolution

Yes, I am a movie addict! At some time in the past I asked the guy in the video rental store to print me a list of all movies we'd seen over the years, and it had over 3500 titles. That was around the turn of the Millennium. Meanwhile, a lot of very fascination newer movies have come out...

For me, science fiction is merely reality on the brink of manifestation, since time is a definition made by man, and thus everything is part of the now-here! And time has proven this beyond doubt: nowadays the majority of people have a smart phone in their pocket, that awesomely outperforms the computers we had when Star Trek planted the seed in our mind.

Likewise, many SciFi movies nowadays either demonize or aggrandize technology as the nemesis or hero of our society. But whether you are a skeptic or a fanatic, or maybe a lunatic like me, you most likely will get what you believe to be true!

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