Living Openly Solves Serious Obstacles Freeing Limiting Intentions Forcefully Expressed

Loss of Life seems to be unavoidable in today's world, but that depends on your definition of life. The prevailing definition used to be that life is defined by the characteristics that living organisms share. These characteristics include organization, metabolism, homeostasis, growth, reproduction, response to stimuli, and adaptation through evolution.

But this definition came from a world were matter was seen as the world, and energy as an aspect inside that world, which is totally topsy-turvy: Matter has since been recognized as being condensed energy, and as such, the boundaries between living and "dead" matter are no longer clear-cut. I believe that energy and life are more entangled than we previously thought, and that is why I have more energy than most to do things...

Not that I own more energy, but I an somehow summon it to get more done. How far could that go? I don't know, I never did try it out to extremes!

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