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This acrosstic was a mistake. Not that the acrosstic is in error, but it is not acrosstic number one thousand, as I erroneously rounded my Acrosstics count to thousands rather than hundreds. In reality it was number eight hundred... By now however, the number thousand just past and became a tale of 1001 Acrosstics.

But what's in a number anyway? I have been making these for years, and aim to do so many more years. And I don't think ChatGPT will make that unnecessary any time soon: when I explained it the rules, it started by generating one extra word at the end, and when corrected it did not generate a flowing expression because the last word killed the flow of the sentence. Ah well, even if it did do this perfectly, I'd still do it for the love of it.

It is much like Arjen Anthony Lucassen expressed it in his solo album "into the New Real": "Why create music when it has all been done before?" Simply because Arjen can't stop creating music, and I can't stop creating Acrosstics and linking them to my experiences for thers to enjoy...

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