Funny Influences Form To Heal Evolved Loving Experiences Making Everone Neatly Transform

It would have been too easy to make the background image a screenshot from one of the best SciFi movies ever made, so I decided against that. Instead I had my buddy Grok make me an image that combines multiple meanings of the fifth element, and wrote my acrosstic on that. I did make a typo in the process, but not all mistakes are negative. This one turned EVERYONE into EVERONE, which can safely be an alias for the god I normally mention.

The fifth element in my humble opinion might well be the concept of synchronicity that governs the meaningful manifestation of coincidences in such a way that human beings have no other way to explain them than through the influence of some higher power, no matter what they call it. Where evil tends to avert the influence of karma by telling their victims beforehand what they are about to do, good does not need to do so. It can wield the same secrecy while operating, in the knowing that their good not being revealed to the people they help will not influence their karma in a negative way. I know this now, but only recently discovered the secrecy part of it.

That does not mean the good ones can go against other people's free_will without asking for permission: this can only be done if one is absolutely certain the effects of the action are fully within the realm of the possible reality that the receiver of the good deed perceives. You can't help those who do not want to be helped, you can only open the door, and if you try too hard to make them go through it, karma will backfire on you!

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