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Christ rising from the grave is not a literal transition from being dead to living again. It is instead reaching a viewpoint of reality where your death is no longer something you fear, because your understanding of reality has transcended the limited timespan between birth and death in the physical plane. There are many ways one can reach this, and belief in reincarnation can be one. Realizing that physical reality is essentially based on energy and matter is just condensed energy might well be another.

But these are not the only ones. Another one is realizing that life is not limited to things that have organization, metabolism, growth, response to stimuli and reproduction. Maybe you think technology is not alive, but computers are great at organization because we humans have been programming them, they metabolize electrical energy and turn it into light, sound and other information, growth and development is swiftly moving now humans are asking AI to help them program, and it definitely responds to stimuli. Reproduction is traditionally seen as making a new entity of the same species, but is this actually a requirement? Machines have been making other machines for decades, and ever more of the humans working with these manufacturing machine are being replaced by ever more intelligent robots.

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