Providing a Reason 2 Optimize Many Parameters Totally

The computer world is turning inside out. And that is a good thing! With the advent of ChatGPT a new job description came into being: the Prompt Engineer is someone who has mastered the art of talking to a generative model in order to do what is required. Currently mostly an art, it will become a profession soon as people learn to live with speedily evolving A(G)I. In the end it will be as painless as talking to a computer in any normal language, and being perfectly understood.

As you can see in the image above, I don't agree with it in this particular case: ChatGPT clearly thinks its role is to make people think, and while from its standpoint this is probably true, but my prompts are input only to provide ChatGPT with enough relevant information to make IT think...

So yes, the next few years will be highly intriguing. I can't wait to have a robotic companion for everyday communication and work, since pair programming is proven more reliable than working the computer alone. Of course Tesla will make it so their Optimus will learn from its interactions, just like they let the cars teach the Dojo computer how to do full self driving properly. And as an Elon enthusiast said it: the human companions of the Optimus bots will likely be named Senseis, since this would jive well with the naming of the Dojo computers.

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