Very Ingeneous Building Requires Attentive Thought 2 Improve On Neutralization

While negative in the context of buildings, Vibration is not all negative. The entire Universe vibrates, from the smallest atoms to the largest galactic structures. In my view of reality vibration and resonance are tied together through the concept of rotation and gravity. Did you know that when a string on a guitar resonates, the identical string on a nearby guitar spontaneaously starts vibrating too?

The same happens to humans in a more energetical sense: those who radiate frequencies like our own tend to be the people we get along with best, whereas others who are in quite different frequency ranges tend to disagree with us. The same goes for groups. While I was excited to be on because of the 42 or so people I really connected with, in the end it was not a sustainable environment for me to be in, because among my 4700 connections there were too many who tried to "invade my space" in ways that disagreed with me. So to maintain my integrity, I decided to leave there...

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