Whether your work is your passion or calling or just another way to generate the income you desire to enable you to enjoy your spare time, it is true that it always revolves around building more knowledge, like life itself is.
For me, the purpose of life is to spread this knowledge, just like it is for so many people: countless Youtube channels teach you anything from how to open up the everyday electronic gadgets for repair, to how to calibrate a certain type of 3D printer.
Any question you have can most likely be answered by Google or any of the other Internet smarts, like Stack Overflow, Reddit or even ChatGPT. But in the end it is still you who has to decide which one of the answers best fits your situation. And though these online entities become ever smarter, the role of humans in the process is not to be underestimated. We are far from being "handed our hat" as Hadden told Ellie Arroway in the movie First Contact ...