Real Engineers Just Employ Common Techniques In Obvious Necessity

"Use Rejection as Fuel" a fellow user just posted on X. I took it quite literally, and turned the word into an acrosstic in mere seconds. Generating the right image and adding the acrosstic to it took a bit longer, but turned out pretty well too. But the advice was somewhat ambiguous, which of course lends itself quite nicely for the text I am writing here...

Because what do you use as fuel: being rejected by others, or rejecting certain others because you know they don't share your vision? In fact both can be advantageous: if you are being rejected, you can focus your energy on your work instead, no longer spending precious resources on those who don't want you anyway.

But just like action causes opposite and equal reaction, so if you sense an element in your environment to be non-beneficial to your efforts, it is often useful to push off hard, and launch yourself into the direction you want to go in. Mind you this is not always the same direction, as information received has given you knowledge you didn't have before. So to the world you may look like the metal ball that bounces around in a pinball machine, whereas you certainly do not consider that mere Brownian motion!

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