Smart Technologies Open up Reality 4 You

Today, a YouTube video inspired both this story acrosstic and the one for narrative. And that's because Tesla is a story happening in real time. That is the only reason I invest in Tesla: not the fact it is making a bull run at the moment, but because it is a story being told of fundamental effiency improvement in manufacturing, not just of cars, but of robots, space rockets, and basically anything Elon Musk sets his mind to create.

I love stories, my most favorite musical artist Arjen Anthony Lucassen of Ayreon, is my favorite because most of his albums are stories told with music. Likewise, I love the story of Elon, who basically is realizing a lot of ideas I came across during my past half century. That is not boasting, because I freely admit that Musk is far more brilliant because he can actually manifest these ideas and make them reality, whereas I could only think them up and maybe write about them...

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