Teaching Is Never Yielding

The image above was commented on as being a fossil showing a tiny human skeleton as compared to the dollar cent coin. Whether it is a hoax or a legit discovery remains to be seen of course, because information on the Internet should always be seen with a grain of salt, but this fact has made humans more discerning: with massive numbers of human beings scouring every piece of information that might hold interesting answers.

This effort by countless nameless humans, working in small groups or as single individuals, has resulted in information becoming available on many topics, often questioning or countering the official stories, and the Internet has only made these kinds of loose connections ever more possible. Knowledge buildup becomes unstoppable, and we each focus on those stories we hold as 'Our Truths'. We may not all agree on the same things, but every possible viewpoint has its followers, even those who think the Earth is flat or hollow. True, some of these views are wild, but if that is what you wish to believe, be my guest. I can't deny that I have weird beliefs too, some of which I keep to myself...

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